
Showing posts from 2017

The Best Party of the Year Goes to Your Kids Birthday Bash

Throwing off blast parties has been a way of adults for making the world aware of their cause for the celebration, and of course to show off their wealth Although, if we look at it in another way parties have always been a joyful time of the day, the happy vibes and colorful lights had a special way of creating a mood like no other. But we live in the twenty-first century, and there is nothing but a celebration for any age and any wage person. It was an age old theory which says parties is for adults, we live in a time where kids partying are a thing for real. Come on, let’s face it, there is so much to do in planning kids parties. One has a million themes to play around with while hosting kids parties. All you mommas can take a chill pill, you don’t have to be worried sick about being burdened from decorations to an out of the box theme, for having the best cake made, or the mainstream recipes. Jelly Bean Party is here for you to cover your back do all your party managements and of ...

Best and Professional Children Party In Singapore

The city of Singapore is one of the most renowned business destinations of the world also employees various people from the neighboring cities and various other countries. Since the city has many high profile business houses, MNCs, hotels, restaurants, and industries there are various job opportunities for people and the chances for growth and development in Singapore is very high. But with the very high demand in the market and the market being very competitive all these companies and different offices are required work very hard to meet their targets. These require all the employees to be very efficient and also work very hard and in doing so they do not get enough time to be with their children or to take care of their children. In such a scenario the children may feel ignored and it is very important for the parents to organize parties and also involve them in other activities to make them feel happy and active. In Singapore, our agency Jelly-bean-party is very much professiona...

Best And The Most Efficient Organizer Of Children Party And Magic Show For Children in Singapore

Singapore is a city which is renowned around the world for various different reasons and the most important factor is the tourism and high profile businesses the city holds and we can also find the best hotels, restaurants, schools, and universities in the city of Singapore. All these business houses and also the tourism departments employ many foreigners from various different countries and most of these people bring their children also to Singapore and admit them into some of the best schools available in Singapore. Not only children of foreigners but local children also study in most of these high profile schools in the city of Singapore and these schools and most of the time parents or office parties prefer to organize shows and parties for the entertainment for these children. In Singapore, we are into the business of organizing parties for children for many decades and we maintain a very high professionalism and we also understand the requirements which are important for organi...